We’ve been working with CPL since 2000. CPL are a forward thinking company so over the years, we have constantly kept their brand identity fresh and ahead of their competitors.
CPL work with event production, broadcast and media companies to provide state of the art AV equipment for corporate, exhibition markets and live events. Most of their events incorporate elaborate lighting schemes and visual effects which was our inspiration for part of the company’s brand identity.
A few years ago we came up with the idea of incorporating some kind of lighting in to the brand identity. We locked ourselves in a dark room with a camera on a long exposure and as many different torches and lights as we could find. The result was a bunch of photos of light trails which we adapted in Photoshop and fitted in to our brochure, catalog and web designs. It’s been a huge success, had many compliments and we are still really pleased with the results years later.
In this latest iteration of the light trail theme, we have recreated the CPL logo in trails of light. It was difficult to achieve but worth the effort. The design shown here is the splash screen on the new CPL Rate Card App. You may also notice in the background, another element of the brand identity – lots of different input and output symbols that are used on audio and visual equipment.
For the designers out there, this entire design was created in Adobe Illustrator (our favourite creative app).